2009-04-05 19:12:16 UTC
I was just looking up Babylon Sisters on Wikipedia and I came across
the story (of which I knew nothing) of the lawsuit Keith Jarrett
brought against Fagen and Becker of plagiarism. It seems he claimed
the song Gaucho is ripped off from his song Long As You Know You're
Living Yours. Give it a listen — the resemblance is startling. Rip-off
might be a tad too strong, but at this point I am at a loss to think
of any kinder phrase. Give it a listen on Spotify.
the story (of which I knew nothing) of the lawsuit Keith Jarrett
brought against Fagen and Becker of plagiarism. It seems he claimed
the song Gaucho is ripped off from his song Long As You Know You're
Living Yours. Give it a listen — the resemblance is startling. Rip-off
might be a tad too strong, but at this point I am at a loss to think
of any kinder phrase. Give it a listen on Spotify.