Post by Tony FrostHi there fight-fans.
- What's the verdict on "Circus Money"? I'd love to read people's opinions.
One thing's for sure, "Bob Is Not Your Uncle Anymore", with the volume
whacked way up high in my car last night, sounded pretty damn fine to me...
Whoever wrote the review quoted in the Dutch newspaper can only have
listened to Circus Money at most twice. Muzak it really is not, unless
several thousand great jazz tracks are also muzak. Familiarity with
the melodies helps and once a melody is no longer unfamiliar, you can
get acquainted with the subtleties of the record, of which there are
many. Like good jazz and good classical music, Circus Money rewards
repeated listening. As for the claim that it is far better than Tracks
Of Whack, I really must disagree. As far as I am concerned, both are
very good indeed. Where that one comes from I really don't know. Oddly
enough, as Becker and Fagen, ironically though inevitably, tread the
path from iconoclastic Young Turks to Respected Old Men (it happens to
the best of them), I find them increasingly irritating. Yet as long as
they keep producing good music - which they are, jointly and
individually - I'm interested, and it's really only the music which
counts. I've long left behind that stage of my life where I have
posters on the wall. I'll repeat: Circus Money is, for this pair of
ears, very, very good.