Oh, okay, before this group completely dies and goes to rock & roll heaven,
let me suggest another list thread. What are some of your favorite lines
from Steely Dan songs? (This can be not only a single line but also a
couplet or even a quadruplet.) Here are some of mine (all from memory, so
"This highway runs to Paraguay and I've just come all the way."
"Assassins, cons and rapers. Might as well die!"
"You walked in, and my life began again, just when I'd spent the last
piaster I could borrow."
"Memory, wash over me, as I step into the sun."
"Here in this darkness, I see all at once, I know all at once, who I am."
"Turn up the Eagles, the neighbors are listening."
"Double helix in the sky tonight, blow out the hardware, let's do it right!"
"Like a sunday in TJ, that it's cheap but it's not free."
"I believed that I was dreaming, then the neighbors came out screaming."
Man, I could keep on going for a while!
I'm a 28 year old Australian and I discovered songs like Peg, Reelin, My Old School and Hey 19, I would then go onto bit by bit become acquainted with their whole catalogue, every album uniquely brilliant, I only discovered two against nature two months ago and find it astounding how good this album is despite the long gap between producing records.
Some of my lines:
"I'm a bookkeeper's son, I dont wanna shoot know one".
"Tonight when I chase the dragon, the water may change to cherry wine, and the silver will turn to gold".
"You call me a fool, you say it's a crazy scheme, well this ones for real I already bought the dream".
"We will spend a dizzy weekend smacked into a trance".
"That right wing hooey sure stunk up the joint".
"shining your japan, sparkling your china".
"With nothing to do but feed on a kangaroo".
"he's gotta scar across his face, he wears a hearing aide".
"it's your favourite foreign movie".
"I never knew you were a roller skater".